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Dr. Genson Murithi Leonard


Name: Genson Murithi Leonard
Title/Qualification: PhD
Position: CoD/Lecturer
Department: Physical Sciences
School: Pure and Applied Sciences
Area of Specialization:  Physical chemistry, water clean up technologies and surface chemistry.
Contact Address: P.O Box 6-60100, Embu    
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Short Biography

Genson murithi holds a PhD and master of science  degree in physical chemistry from Kenyatta university in Kenya. His area of specialization is physical chemistry with a bias in water clean up technologies, surface chemistry and environmental chemistry. He  has published six papers in refereed journals. He has participated in various science conferences organized locally and internationally. He has also presented papers on water clean up technologies at various conference. He is a member of Kenya chemical society.

Teaching interests:

Physical chemistry, chemical thermodynamics, electrochemistry, reaction kinetics, surface and colloid chemistry.

Research Interest

Research mainly heavy metal on remediation of water bodies and sewage treatment. Exploring various ways of exploiting industrial effluent.  Development of new, efficient and more affordable clean-up technologies for the treatment of large volumes of water contaminated with these heavy metals and other contaminants. Investigating the capacity of various adsorbents using Batch and column experiments. Construction of efficient effluent clean up stream(s) that could offer a desired solution to industrial effluent disposal. Environment chemistry, especially on the effects of heavy metals on the population and the safety of the boreholes.

Dr. Leonard Genson Murithi Publications

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