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Prof. Jackson W. Muthengia Profile

Name: Prof. Jackson Wachira Muthengia
Address: P. O. Box 6 - 60100, Embui, Kenya
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Position: Registrar (Academics, Research & Extension)

Academic Qualification

2009: Ph.D in Cement and Concrete Technology, Kenyatta University
Dissertation: Effect of Selected Media on Novel Portland Pozzolana Cement
2003: Master of Science in Chemistry, Kenyatta University
Dissertation: Low Cost Pozzolana Based Cement from Industrial and Agricultural Waste Materials
2000: Bachelor of Education (Science), First Class Honors, Kenyatta University

Current Research Area and Interests

Cement and Concrete Technology:

Developing pozzolanic materials and their chemical and physical performance characterization.

Soil Chemistry:

Calcium alumino silicate (natural and laboratory made - zeolites), beneficiation of selected minerals – Iron and Titanium ores

Gasification:  Development of gasification technology

Adsorption and Kinetic Chemistry:

Removal of hazardous material from their solution, kinetics of adsorption and enhancement of adsorbents.

 Prof. Jackson W. Muthengia Publications

Bachelor’s Degrees

The Department offers the following Bachelor's Degree Click Here


The Department offers the following Postgraduate Courses Click Here