Dr. Millien Kawira Profile
Name: Dr. Millien Kawira
Title/Qualification: PhD
Position: Deputy Registrar, Admission & Teaching Programmes (ATP)/Senior Lecturer
Department: Physical Sciences
School: School of Pure and Applied Sciences (SPAS)
Area of Specialization: Energy Technology and Physics
Contact Address: P. O. Box 2944 – 50100, Kakamega
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Short Biography
Senior Lecturer in Physics and Technology at the University of Embu, Kenya. My PhD is in the area of Energy Technology, JKUAT. My area of specialization is Energy Technology. My research focus is Green Appropriate Technologies for climatic change mitigation. My other research interest is in Applied Physics. My Master’s degree was in Physics (Renewable Energy, JKUAT. I empower women and girls in Applied Physics and Technology.
Research Interest
Sustainable energy technologies, Climatic change, applied Physics, digital monitoring of smart solar technologies performance conditions.