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Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry

Philosophy of the Programme
The Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry is enshrined in the concept of training professionals with critical knowledge and skills in analytical chemistry to resolve challenges and innovate to enhance humanity. The programme is responsive to dynamism in the field of chemistry and related sciences where analytical chemistry plays key and central role.

Rationale of the programme
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) call for enhanced professionalism to bridge the development gap for the Goals realization. Further, Kenya is undertaking rapid development aimed at making the Country a middle income economy. This will require a strong workforce with advanced skills and knowledge to be able to meet the vision and the requisite demand to fill in gaps in created in the realization of SDGs. The workforce will require specialized skills and knowledge to cater for the demand. This program is designed to produce postgraduates with a specific knowledge and skills in Analytical Chemistry. The postgraduates will have requisite disposition to work in research, Institutions of higher learning as well as industries in public and private sectors at National and international arena.

Goal of the Programme
The programme aspires to produce postgraduates with relevant skills and knowledge that meet the individual, professional, institutional, county, national and global educational needs today and in the near future. This will enhance economic development from regional to National level to facilitate achievement of a vibrant economy. The programme is also aimed at meeting dynamic world demands for graduates who can address emerging and current issues. The programme offers advanced and deep foundation of theoretical and professional experience in Analytical Chemistry

Expected Learning Outcomes of the Programme
The Objectives of the program shall be to:
Train and equip the students with knowledge in the analytical chemistry
To impact competency to learners to modern aspects of analytical chemistry
Develop postgraduates research and writing ability of scholarly work

Mode of Delivery of the programme
This shall include face to face, open learning and distant learning. Thesis research shall form part of the learning experience

Academic Regulations for the Programme
Entry Requirements
The common regulations for the Masters degrees shall apply
Candidates wishing to register for Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry must have any of the following:
A degree of at least an Upper Second Class Honours in Analytical Chemistry or equivalent from institution recognized by the Senate
A lower Second Class honours degree in Analytical Chemistry or equivalent from institution recognized by the Senate plus at least two years relevant research/work experience
A pass degree in Analytical Chemistry or equivalent from any other institution recognized by the Senate plus at least five years relevant research/work experience

Regulations for Credit Transfer and Exemptions
Regulations for Exemptions
A candidate may be exempted from some course units from approved institutions by relevant Government and/or University organ(s), subject to the following conditions.
Request for exemption should be made in writing, on admission, addressed to the Dean of school and must be accompanied by officially endorsed supporting documents including the institutions syllabuses for the relevant courses
No candidate shall be exempted from more than forty nine percent of the total number of units required for a program
A candidate may be required to sit and pass applicable University examinations in the relevant course units, provided they have paid the appropriate examination fees
The courses for which exemption are sought shall be limited to first year of study
Minimum grade for unit(s) sought exemption shall be C or its equivalent
Payment of appropriate exemption fees

Regulations for Credit Transfer
Request for credit transfer should be made in writing to dean of school after admission.
Official transcripts from an institution recognized by senate must accompany the request.
 The course units on which credit transfer are sought shall not exceed 49 % of the total units in that programme.
The courses for which transfer are sought shall be limited to first year of study
Minimum grade for unit(s) sought transfer shall be C or its equivalent
The candidate seeking credit transfer shall meet all prescribed cost of the university

Student Assessment Criteria
The course shall be evaluated in terms of units; a course unit being defined as a series of 45 one-hour lecture equivalents.  For this purpose one 1-hour lecture is equivalent to one 2-hour tutorial or one 3-hour practical or any combination of these that may be recommended by the School Board and approved by Senate.
All courses taken shall be examined during the semester in which they are offered.  Such examination shall consist of continuous assessments and practicals, where applicable, and end of semester examinations.
End of semester examinations will comprise 70 percent of the total course marks whereas continuous assessment and practicals, where applicable, will account for 30 percent.
End of semester examinations will take three hours.
A candidate may, on the recommendation of the School Board of Examiners and approval by Senate, be admitted to Special Examinations, in the course(s) for which the candidate failed to sit Ordinary Examinations at the prescribed time. Special Examinations shall be graded as Ordinary Examinations.

Course Requirements
A student is required to attend at least two thirds of the class attendance in order to be allowed to sit for the end of semester examination in a given unit of the programme
The lecturer shall ensure the programme course(s) are delivered in a manner that learning takes place

Student Assessment Criteria
The course shall be evaluated in terms of units; a course unit being defined as series of 45 one- hour lecture equivalents.  For this purpose one 1-hour lecture is equivalent to one such instructional hour in lecture form or one 2-hour tutorial or one 3-hour practical or any combination of these that may be recommended by the School Board and approved by Senate.
The course consists of coursework, continuous assessment, written examination and a research project.
The continuous assessment shall comprise tests, assignments, practicals in certain units and/or term papers.
The course shall be covered in a minimum of four (4) and maximum of eight (8) semesters of 15 weeks each.

Thesis Examination
The Second year of study shall be by thesis (equivalent to eight units) based on a research proposal submitted and approved by the end of first year. The thesis shall be examined in accordance with the common Regulations of the Masters Degrees in all Schools and Faculties.
Each candidate will submit, with approval of supervisors, a duly completed thesis for examination. The candidate shall defend the research findings at a Board of Examiners meeting recommended by the School.

Award of Degree
Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the award of a degree, a candidate for the Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry degree shall be required to take 10 course units; 9 of which shall be core and 1 elective. In second year the candidate shall undertake a mandatory research and thesis equivalent to eight course units.
Description of Research Thesis
The common regulations for research thesis shall apply.
The evaluation shall be done as determined from time to time by the department

Courses Offered for the programme
Course Outline


First Year

Core courses



SCA 501         Advanced Analytical Chemistry 



SCA 502         Advanced Chemical Separations



SCA 503         Advanced Electroanalytical Chemistry



SCA 504         Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry



SCA 505         Surface and Selected Spectrochemical Methods of Analysis



SCA 506         Principles of Chemical Instrumentation



SCA 507         Sample Preparation Techniques in Analytical Chemistry



SCA 508         Electronic Spectrometry



DMS 502        Research Methods 






SCA 509         Analytical Procedures in Environmental Chemical Analysis



SCA 511         Polymer Characterization



SCH 508  Chemical Applications of Group Theory



SCH 516  Special Topics in Organic Chemistry



Second Year

SCA 620 Thesis

Pass in all yr 1 units


Bachelor’s Degrees

The Department offers the following Bachelor's Degree Click Here


The Department offers the following Postgraduate Courses Click Here